Monday, February 13, 2012

Music in the morning

This weekend I took action -- while loafing about my apartment. I did, after all, start this blog. Preceding my tentative venture into bloglandia, I trolled sites about happiness. First to pop up on the trusty Google search was Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project ( No cajoling necessary to get me signed up for her 2012 Happiness Project. One of the projects is to create weekly resolutions that you can track online. My first resolution is to begin each day with a song and a smile.

Sometimes, when I find myself feeling down during the day, I listen to some tunes to bring my mood back up. In that case, why not start my day with an upbeat, feel-good diddy? Yesterday, morning I blared Hey Soul Sister by Train. (btw, Sunday mornings are for sleeping late in my book, so I took the liberty of turning the volume way up for my morning music fix - the neighbors had long-since been awake, I think...I hope.) Today, I forgot to listen before I went to work, so I worked head phones and youtube as soon as I got there. Won't be making a habit of that one, but I do believe it was worth it to get my spirits lifted by Stereo Hearts.

I've never been a huge music person, but I do have some fond memories of listening to music with my parents as I was growing up. The kitchen was the music spot in my house. Whenever my mom and I were bustling around getting dinner together at 4:45 pm (yeah, that was us), having a marathon holiday cookie baking session or cleaning, we had the radio going. We knew every song on our local station. I still do whenever I go home

When my sister and I were young, it was rare that my dad was at home in morning to get us ready for school. I loved when he was, though, because he would play his old records from the 70's, especially The Grateful Dead. I smile every time I hear Sugar Magnolia and Touch of Grey.

Do you have any stories about using music as a mood-booster? What are your favorite upbeat songs?


  1. Good questions, on a lovely topic!

    Some of my favorite upbeat songs that come to mind right now are:
    - On my way by Phil Collins
    - Circle of life in the Lion King
    - Alexandrie, Alexandra by Claude Francois
    - I'm alive by Celine Dion

  2. Oh one more upbeat song I love! Surprise!
    Check it out here:

  3. Great suggestions! I especially love the last one. It makes me feel like I could....go out and play the World Cup, of course!
