Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Sunday Night Read

Books are my life.

I actually said this to my boyfriend the other day. Melodramatic? Maybe....maybe not.

I love reading. Have for a very long time. I think my book-love bloomed in second grade when my mom bought me the complete set of the Laura Ingalls Wilder "Little House" series from a Scholastic book order. I read them during the summer before third grade. I remember my grandma told me that I carried around my latest book the way a preacher does his Bible. 

I'm pretty sure that series started my love affair with reading, just the way the Harry Potter series did for my sister several years later. Come to think of it, I haven't thanked my mom for buying me those nine plaid-covered books. I should. I will.

Anyway, here it is Sunday and if I've had a good weekend that means I've likely spent nice chunk of it reading. I'd like to try out a blog series called "A Sunday Night Read." I share my thoughts on books I've read that share a positive message or just books I loved.

The first book I'd like to share is "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. The book is told from the viewpoint of a dog, Enzo. He shares with readers not only the inner thoughts of a dog, like his ongoing war with the squirrels in his yard, but also keen observations about his people.

Of course there is sadness but it's not something to dwell on because there so many insightful passages. I found myself rereading several paragraphs, marking them, dog-earring the pages, rewriting quote after quote. Enzo gives readers such a fresh look on life. I paused often to consider life from this new perspective. What I loved about the book, too, was that the message was never preachy. Just simple. Blunt. Truthful.

I read  "The Art of Racing in the Rain" a year ago, but the messages inside its pages have linger on in my mind. So much so that I wrote this quote on my bedroom mirror as a daily reminder to enjoy life to the fullest.

"To live everyday as if it has been stolen from death. That is how I would like to live. To feel the joy of life. To separate myself from the everyday burden. To say I am alive. I am wonderful. I am. I am."
-Enzo, "The Art of Racing in the Rain"

Read this book. You won't be sorry that you did.

PS - Thank you to my dear friend Sally who originally recommended this book to me.

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