Saturday, December 5, 2015

Animal Whisperer

Yesterday evening I taught a private English class at one of my student´s homes. He was late, so I sat out front on a patch of nice-looking grass and made friends with a black-and-white, slightly macho dog. When I say made friends, I talked to the dog (in English so I don´t know if he understood) and he sniffed me. I didn´t pet him because I couldn´t tell if he was a street dog or a neighbor´s. When my student arrived, he told me he hates that dog because it always barks at him.

After class I walked home and saw this . . .
This cutie was rolling back and forth, so happily, on the sidewalk.
I can resist petting street dogs but not cats, nuh-uh. She was just so content. And fluffy.
A few blocks away, I saw another long-haired cat. I said hello and it meowed a reply and trotted over. I knelt down and it circled me, rubbing on my legs.
Last night I dreamt about cats--our orange cat Clemintine and a big black cat we had when I was a kid, Purrs-a-lot. It was sweet to think of him again. I remember he would sleep with me, on my pillow actually, and slowly push my head off, purring the whole time. Pillow hogger.

I miss having cats.

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