Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Seven Photos From My Travels

Spring makes me want to take pictures. It's the flowers. And the greenness. And the kids running around with looks of sheer joy on their faces. 

This afternoon, I took a walk around the edge of the pond near my apartment. There was a father walking with his I'd say two-year-old son. The little boy gravitated toward the blue brick wall around the ice skating rink. He smushed his face up close while wearing a huge grin, both hands touching the wall.

"It's just a wall. There's nothing to see," said his father.

But how do we know what the boy saw in the wall? He saw something amazing. Something that others didn't.

And that's what I love about photography.

Here are seven of my favorite travel shots.

1. A photo that takes my breath away

Sunsets on lakes generally do take my breath away. This shot especially so because it is on  the lake where my family has a cabin in Canada. It's my favorite place in the world. That's a loon on the lake.

2. A photo that makes me laugh.

Yes, that is a ham thigh on a bag of chips. They are dried-ham flavored. I munched on these chips in Spain. The little girl is clutching the bag she loves them so much!

3. A photo that makes me dream.

Segovia, Spain. A girl never forgets her first castle.

4. A photo that makes me think.

Tree of Life, anyone?

5. A photo that makes my mouth water.

Homemade Korean food. This is breakfast, by the way.

6. A photo that tells a story.

Inside the DMZ in Korea. These are relics from the Korean War. The red sign says "MINE." What's the story of the soldier whose helmet is there?

7. A photo I am most proud of.

Casteller competition near Tarragona, Spain. I am proud of this shot because I snapped it at just the right second. The kid at the very top only raises his hand like that for a split second. She literally climbs up, waves her hand and immediately climbs back down. It has to be fast because the people at the bottom can't take the weight of the entire tower for long. I like the details of the people in the window and the flags at the left.

I am taking part in HostelBookers 7 Super Shots.