Thursday, October 15, 2015

Quick as a . . .

Can you spot the critter?
This fox trotted by our bus while I was on an excursion in the Atacama Desert. He didn't seem afraid and hung out for a bit, until we drove off. Our guide said some people feed them.
The older a flamingo is, the darker it is. Flamingos only get their pink color naturally when they live in the wild. Our guide told us if we see pink flamingos in a zoo, the color is artificial.
This little guy is called a viscacha. It looks like a rabbit except that it has a long tail.
This dude made his burrow on the edge of a remote salt flat. Maybe we were the first humans he had ever seen.
This is a vicuña. It is a smaller, wild relative of the llama. Their wool is the most expensive in the world. A few kilos of it costs thousands of dollars. Now is it illegal to hunt them.
This is a llama family. Llamas are bigger than vicuñas. These ones are domesticated but they roam free.
And this is me eating a cousin of the llama family from above. The look on my face isn't one of dislike, but rather of savoring. The meat was very flavorful and soft, not tough at all.

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